2019-05-20 9:55 PM
Hello all,
after trying several attemts and hint's i am still confused what's wrong with my configuration or Board.
Currently no slave is conected, i just wan't do display at least clock ans MOSI
Please have a look at the attached STM32Cube IDE Projekt.
Let me know, where i have made the mistakes.
Thanks in advance
2019-05-21 1:35 PM
I looked in the Cube file.
NSSP mode ? Why do you want to pulse the nSS pin ?
nSS functionality in STM doesn't work very well, so we dont use it
We use the software nSS signal.
a Prescaler of 2 is too small, 54MHz seems too fast.
there is no software in that zip file.
no main.c ??
2019-05-22 2:09 AM
2019-05-22 3:01 AM
you would usually spi_Init before while(1){};
you only need to initialize once.
also you should move the deinit to below while(1){}
then you would get a scope to look at the wires, are you doing that ?
I dont see the nSS being software driven ...
2019-05-22 4:06 AM
Hello TJ,
i am currently at work, i will make the changes when i am back at home ;)
I will test using this: http://www.zeroplus.com.tw/logic-analyzer_en/products.php
But i can take a acope for additional reference to.
I will report the results after that
2019-05-22 9:01 PM
no changes at all: No output at the port pins.
SPI Result codes in code looks ok during Debug, but mo output.
To shorten this:
Does someone have a working SPI example for me, that was used / created by yourself on exactly this board.
And is it possible to provide this for reference.
Actually i don't have at least one reliably reference spI Project for this board.
Can someone simply test (no theretical discussion) my project on his nucleo board and agree that he has output on Pins or not.
Thanks Marc