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Newbie on STM32G030

Associate II

Hello, I am just coming here across from NXP ARM MCU's on mbed after that had decided to close down i.e. I am a STM32 toolchain newbie. Can someone confirm my STM32G030 circuit is correct?  It is not clear to me what pin numbers I need to use for the MB1762 V3 Mini E-B01 debugger/programmer in STMCubeIDE - I will bring those out to a connector.  Finally, if I want a serial port to spit data out, which pins are those on?  Please note, I intend to use IRQ's on PB0 and PB7. 

Thank you






Could you make that any less readable? You can attach multi-megabyte image files.


The debugger should have connectivity to PA13 (SWDIO), PA14 (SWCLK), and NRST


PA2/PA3 should be a UART

PA9/PA10 should be a UART

PB6/PB7 should be a UART

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Associate II

Thanks - appreciate your feedback (apologies about the schematic)!