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Cmsis-DAP debugger in STM32CubeIDE

Associate III

Hello, i have a DapLink debugger and wanted to use it with stm32, i also am pretty new to stm32, so don't be mad when i mess up some terms. I don't want to buy an STLink yet since i wanna see if i am going to like stm32 debugging/programming. Some context:MCU:STM32H723ZGT6, debugger: DapLink Mini, OS:Ubuntu desktop 24.10.Also, yes i know that this board is overkill but i thought, go big or go home, if i am gonna try stm32 i better make it count.

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

Don't hesitate, buy the ST-LINKv3. It is dirt cheap and well supported by the ST tools.


Chief III


i think, STM dont want the "standard" , open source Cmsis-DAP to be used on the Eclipse - STM - IDE .

Dont ask me why , ask STM.

Or use Keil IDE, ...




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I just want to try debugging and easier programming before buying an stlink for 30$, I know that a daplink is nowhere as good as an OG stlink but I can use it with Arduino ide for rp2040 debugging.

Associate III

here's why I don't wanna use keil: I just want to be familiar with what I started working in:CubeIDE, so that I can just easily start using the st link once I buy it(In maybe like 3-6 months)

Associate III

So is there no way to do it then?

Associate III

could you please point me to how to configure it? I am pretty used to pnp systems like arduino and the supported boards, also i would like just a clear explanation of how to do it and not a pre made one cause i also wanna use a picoprobe and such

sorry - no, I didnt get it working - but i only tried a little bit. 

To have something, to connect - and it works : buy a cheap nucleo board (with onboard st-link).

If you take a board like this:


you can even use the st-link separate , not only for this board.




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Associate III

thanks for including the video, i will see if i can use the stuff he says(with youtube's auto generated and translated captions)