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Local variable overwrite global variable

Associate II

I'm facing a problem in the managing of local variables on STM32WB50CG with the STM32CubeIDE version 1.14.1.
Specifically, the code must perform a write via the sprintf function on a local variable (allocated at address 0x20009bd8).
ALL the writings are performed correctly but during the execution of the same sprintf, a memory area in which a global variable is allocated (address 0x20009708) is also overwritten with the same data without generating any interrupt in MemManage_Handler.

At the end of the execution of DiagnosticPktCreator I obtained the correct string inside the datafifo but the same string is also present at address 0x20009708.

Any ideas on why this occurs?

void DiagnosticPacketGenerator(void){
	char datafifo[MAX_PACKET_SIZE];
	uint16_t fifosize;
	static uint32_t PTimeOld_Diagnostic;
	uint8_t i = 0;
	while(i < GetSystemVariable().ValvesNumber)
		/*Diagnostic packet after update (8) or direct reply (0)*/
			DiagnosticPktCreator(&datafifo[0], &fifosize, 8, PTimeOld_Diagnostic, &i);
			DiagnosticPktCreator(&datafifo[0], &fifosize, 0, PTimeOld_Diagnostic, &i);
		FIFO_Packet_handler_opt(FIFO_PUSH, (uint8_t*)&datafifo[0], &fifosize);

void DiagnosticPktCreator(char* data, uint16_t* data_size, uint8_t PacketType, uint32_t PTime, uint8_t* idx){
	uint16_t packet_len;

	/*function that adds informations to the packet*/
	Key_DB(&data[strlen(data)],PacketType, PTime);

void Key_DB(char* data, uint8_t PacketType, uint32_t Time ){	sprintf(data,"{\"key\":\"%u,%s,%lu,%s,%u,%u\"",GetSystemVariable().PacketCounter,GetSystemVariable().Datetime,Time,GetConnection_info().IMEI,GetSystemVariable().Bootcode,PacketType);

void Identifying_DB(char* data){

void Diagnostic_DB(char* data){

Thank you in advance.

Davide Graziani

Andrew Neil
Evangelist III

stack overflow?

buffer overrun?

bad pointers?

You're going to need to show the code!


Not entirely sure what you're describing..

The top of the statics, locale, heap and the bottom of the stack can collide.You can perhaps watch the stack size/depth and check heap integrity.

You'd need/want to enable stack checking options, check malloc() returns, and perhaps understand the linked-lists the C libraries are using so you can walk them.

MemManage / HardFault only likely to fire in gross situations, you can do a lot of damage sliently and without warnings.

Perhap add some guard zones and check their integrity periodically.

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Thank you for the advice, it is my first question. I add the code snippet in the question.


Davide Graziani

Tank you for the reply.

"The top of the statics, locale, heap and the bottom of the stack can collide" If this occurs i think that i will see only one string that overwrites other variables, in this case i obtain the correct value in the correct memory address and also an exact copy of the variable allocated in another memory address. 

"You'd need/want to enable stack checking options, check malloc() returns" I cannot check the malloc() return because i don't use any dynamic allocation.

I add the code in the question if you want to look at it.

Davide Graziani