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lcd.c file not found

Associate III

so im trying to run a project example from the stm32h747i disc0 repository from github. specifcally the DCMI project i want to try the camera using snapshot mode or capture mode .when i pen the project and try to build it  i gave this error saying that the lcd.c file is not found in project files(Description Resource Path Location Type
make: *** No rule to make target 'C:/Users/gouiaa/Downloads/en.stm32cubeh7-v1-11-2/STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.11.0/Utilities/lcd/stm32_lcd.c', needed by 'Utilities/stm32_lcd.o'. Stop)
and the file really doesnt exist in this path when i cheked th project folders.  any help please?Screenshot 2024-07-05 125336.png


Accepted Solutions
ST Employee

Hello @yessine ,

I think you facing another issue which is different from the initial one. For more visibility it recommended to create a specific thread for this new issue.

-->the snapshot mode worked perfectly but the capture mode didnt .

What do you mean by capture mode didn't work. Do you get a noisy screen with DCMI_CaptureMode example?

To make work the DCMI_CaptureMode example with MB1166 Rev-09, it is recommended to use the latest STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.11.2 version and change the code lines in stm32h747i_discovery_conf.h file under STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.11.2\Projects\STM32H747I-DISCO\Examples\DCMI\DCMI_CaptureMode\Common\Inc as mentioned in readme 


Please let me know if the issue is solved or not?

Thank you.



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View solution in original post

ST Employee

Hello @yessine ,

I checked the DCMI project available in the STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.11.x and it works properly.

Please check the include path and make sure that it is included in your source folders:

Project properties -> C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols -> Source Location.

When your question is answered, please close this topic by clicking "Accept as Solution".
Associate III

update :

i managed to run the project . i used the folder that was downlaoded automatically when i selected the board the first time in MX. now i have an other problem. the snapshot mode worked perfectly but the capture mode didnt . when i checked the readme file i found this configuration that i need to do since im using a rev09 camera but i couldn't manage to do it  . so is there any guide to help me so this adaptation. in which file i can find these lines of code...Screenshot 2024-07-16 105415.png

ST Employee

Hello @yessine ,

I think you facing another issue which is different from the initial one. For more visibility it recommended to create a specific thread for this new issue.

-->the snapshot mode worked perfectly but the capture mode didnt .

What do you mean by capture mode didn't work. Do you get a noisy screen with DCMI_CaptureMode example?

To make work the DCMI_CaptureMode example with MB1166 Rev-09, it is recommended to use the latest STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.11.2 version and change the code lines in stm32h747i_discovery_conf.h file under STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.11.2\Projects\STM32H747I-DISCO\Examples\DCMI\DCMI_CaptureMode\Common\Inc as mentioned in readme 


Please let me know if the issue is solved or not?

Thank you.



To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.

im glad to say that everything work  . problem is solved . capture mode and snapshot and people counting feom fp ai vision folder

for fp vision folder i followed some steps from this link

it was jut a problem of sime files that i need to paste from 11.2 folder 

and for capture mode i just needed to change a line in some config.h file    (change nt**** to OU  from 1U and  and om**** from 1U to OU)