2021-01-08 9:35 AM
Dear ST Hello,
What is the advantage and disadvantage of the Keil and STM ide.
Did you recommend one of them. I want to change the ide and I am in 2 minds,
Thank you in advance,
2021-01-08 10:05 AM
Team ARM/Keil here.
I like my stuff to just work, and I don't like Eclipse and workspaces..
2021-01-08 10:26 AM
STM32CubeIDE has gotten significantly better over the past few years. I would recommend it. I don't like how slow and clunky the interface is--it takes a second to bring up the debug view, for example, but it does work. There have been a few Eclipse-based STM32 IDEs and it's by far the best, in my opinion.
I also don't like the concept of workspaces, where every project I've ever worked on is listed. You can have multiple workspaces, but it increases mental overhead and slows productivity when you're switching projects frequently.
2021-01-08 10:44 AM
And one is free, the other not...depend on if your a DIYer or a business...
As a DIYer I like workspace because those are some safe area where you can experiment, learn, and make mistake, thus allowing you to keep safe one where you work on your projects. It's a efficient way to have dedicated environnement.
2021-01-08 11:15 AM
I recommend using CubeIDE for the following reasons
1 - It is main stream IDE from the chip vendors
2 - It is based on the industry common IDE (Eclipse), if you change from STM to other vendors you feel home.
3 - Almost all the plug-in you can imagine, for example code static analysis (cppcheck)
4 - You will use the latest and the greatest GCC compiler efforts-less, for example c++17
5 - Highly customizable, you can customize almost every thing.
and many other reasons...
But the downside in my opinion is the learning curve.
Mazen AlJedaani
2021-01-08 11:40 AM
Keil is free for STM32 CM0(+) parts
2021-01-08 12:25 PM
Yes, but DIYer's also appreciate to scale up (or down !) their design from a F030 to a H7 without having to think about the way your IDE will allow you, or not , to do what you want. From a DIYer perspective, with former Atollic (CubeIDE), for free, you can focus on your hardware and code across the whole STM32 line. I've tried free version of Keil...and yes,If I had the opportunity to work with, I'll choose it.
ST initiative aiming at giving for free the software tools which allows to better leverage their hardware is great but also very smart. And CubeIDE, Touch GFX and even the whole HAL (I know that pro developper prefer LL) are great way to promote STM32 family from DIYeré, tech schools student or even pro with TGFX.
2021-01-08 1:32 PM
"But the downside in my opinion is the learning curve."
Hello Mazen,
What do you mean by the learning curve? would write more about this, I really like what you munched.
2021-01-08 1:33 PM
I am working with the stm32f4 family. I think if it's not free, the company will encourage us to go for something free.
2021-01-08 1:37 PM
Thank you for replaying,
Eather you like it or not, this is not the point. I am asking for efficiency, maintainability, and reliability.
Debug, editing ...