With pleasure,But forget to mentioned, that CubeIDE free for personal and professional.on the other hand, KEIL and IAR are not free across all families. you will be adecent amount of money full version licenses What I mean by the learning curve, Is t...
I recommend using CubeIDE for the following reasons1 - It is main stream IDE from the chip vendors2 - It is based on the industry common IDE (Eclipse), if you change from STM to other vendors you feel home.3 - Almost all the plug-in you can imagine, ...
CubeMx is a GUI java application, java application uses your computer screen resolution to determine the best font size. But if you want to change it, you have two options 1-Using windows scaling under screen settings(but keep in mind windows in ge...
I don't think that developing the complete SPI protocol using GPIO only for one custome signal while the SPI hardware is available.If I understand your question correctly. Youonly need a logic not gate to invert the CS signal to be used as Latch E...