2019-07-26 3:23 AM
This is an amended version of my previous question "Is it possible to enable UART-debugging in LwIP on a Nucleo-H743ZI using a J-Link debugger?".
With some new insights, it's clear to me that the J-Link debugger has its own capabilities of pulling debug output, and that LwIP debug messages are (combined with some conditions and preprocessor definitions) standard C printf's.
Hence, the question is no longer "is it possible to get serial output", but rather HOW to make printouts play nice with CubeIDE and a Segger J-Link debugger?
(Also, since I am running threaded LwIP with FreeRTOS, I am mainly interested in Segger's RTT or SWO to not block execution - semihosting would be far too slow to be effective.)
My original question can be seen below:
I am having a hard time orienting myself on where to start, but LwIP is supposed to be able to output debug messages, which would be a huge help in debugging communication - but I am not sure where to start, or if it is even possible with my setup.
I am working in CubeIDE using a Nucleo-H743ZI board with a Segger J-Link debugger.
My goal is to get printouts of the LwIP debug messages, but can it be even be done with the J-Link on this board?
The J-Link debugger is set to use the same SWD interface as the nucleo's pre-existing ST-Link debugger, and CubeIDE has SWV (Serial Wire Viewer) views for the debugging perspective, but it isn't clear to me how to set all this up.
Alternatively, printing it over UART/Serial port would also be sufficient.
Any direction would be highly appreciated!
2019-07-30 2:49 AM
I have managed to download and build part of the example code for SEGGER's RTT printout into my project.
With this, I can use a custom SEGGER-written printf function to output text to the SEGGER RTT Viewer (an independent console tool).