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I have a problem with the STM32CubeIDE, it consumtion a lot of memory ram. In the task manager it open many conhost.exe process (i attach an imagen). Can you know how avoid open many conhost?. (sorry for my english)

Associate II

I've seen that when I compile the code all the conhost.exe processes are delete but after that, the conhost begin to open automatically like in the attach imagen.

Lead III

CubeIDE is based on Eclipse, and Eclipse is known for it's generous memory consumption.

A text editor + commandline approach would be the least wasteful, but IDEs like IAR Workbench, Keil uVision, or Crossworks/Segger Embedded Studio are less profligate with host resources.

Associate II

Yes, I know, but the System Workbench for STM32 is eclipse too and it doesn't have the problem of memory consumption (I attach an imagen), in the imagen the stm32cubeide is using more than 4.5 GB while System Workbench for STM32 just 948 MB. Maybe I have some wrong configuration in the stm32cubeide or some virus but windows defender has not detected anything. I tried uninstall and reinstall the stm32cubeide but the problem persists.

Associate II

I'm working on Windows 7 /64 and I have the same problem. At starting the use of memoruy is 800 MB; If I create some test projects, the use of memory increase any time to some Gb over and over. Have you find the reason? (in that way ,I think, the processes go slow)

Associate II

Same problem here with windows 10 en STM32CubeIde 1.4.0.

Number of processes grow, then decrease and grow again.

Any solution available for this problem.

I suppose one could stop using Java/Eclipse based tools, or add more physical memory. They recommend 4GB, but 16GB is more typical of a workstation

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There is 16 GB memory in the workstation with this problem

The problem is not the amount of memory in workstation.

The problem is that STM32CubeIDE continuously makes new process threads of "Consulevensterhost", "WMI commandline Utility" and "Windows Command Processor". This increase the memory use of STM32CubeIde, with an empty workspace. So doing nothing, just starting the IDE with a new workspace.

Also my colleagues has this problem not with the same version of IDE.

It's look like a conflict with hardware or software on this workstation.

Associate II

I found out this problem is only in combination with a USB to serial port attached.

Problem occur with different USB to serial devices, like FTDI and Eminent EM1016.

There are also some fixed serial COM ports installed on my workstation, which do not interfere with STM32CubeIDE.

When I repeat this test on an other workstation with STM32CubeIDE, there is no problem after attaching the USB to serial port.

So there is probably an other differ like driver, hardware or ..... .

@VRodr​  @Community member​  Can you confirm you also use a USB to serial device? Could you try this?