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How to debug STM32IDE?

Associate II

Hi. i'm beginner this field and researching for UWB system. so i bought the decawave product to get channel impulse response raw data.

Decawave provides an example, and the example is executed on stm32cubeide. so i installed some software and use the ST-LINK/V2. and i was succeed "main.c" debug.

0693W00000FClisQAD.pngBy the way, i want to running the example "ex_02c_main.c" It's included in the src. but i don't know how to run. only run the "main.c"

i want to test my example. how to run??

Chief III

You work with project, names of files is irelevant. Files can be excluded from build then you can switch between more files with for example same named functions.

Or your main function can call main1 main2 usw. Your choice.