2022-11-07 9:35 AM
2022-11-07 9:36 AM
Additionally, I am using TIM2 to mark some intervals for my code.
2022-11-07 11:15 AM
Pinout & Configuration - Sys - Debug - Serial Wire.
The answer to the next question you will ask: ST-Link software refuses to Flash the Chinese STM32 clones, but you may still use the bootloader.
2022-11-25 4:46 AM
Hello @MMORA.3 ,
You can refer to the reference manual RM0008, in 'General-purpose and alternate-function I/Os (GPIOs and AFIOs)' and 'JTAG/SWD alternate function remapping' section.
PB3 is TDO/SWO, make sure to check how the JTAG-DP / SWD-DP mapping is set up on the STM32F1 parts, and check also DBGMCU_CR.