2021-10-27 12:22 AM
There are several videos on youtube that beautifully demonstrate how easy it is to setup SDMMC + DMA + FATFS + RTOS in CubeIDE. I have followed these meticulously but I am unable to get it to work to my great frustration. There are several 3-year old theads on this forum in which users report the same problems. For instance this one:
The thread proposes a solution, but as the thread is 3 years old, I see some things changed in the code generated by CubeIDE in the meanwhile and I having a hard time getting the old proposed patch to work.
I only see that the DMA interrupts for rx and tx are not triggered at all.
I'm hoping someone got some experience with this with a more recent version of CubeIDE, since I would hope that the critical error that has been found 3 years ago has been addressed in some way.
2021-10-27 12:55 AM
For reference here are some step-by-step tutorials to implement SDMMC + DMA + FATFS + RTOS. I've followed these, without avail. I'm running on a STM32L433VCT.
2021-10-27 3:00 AM
I got it to work by following the resolution in this old thread:
Additionally, the stm32l4xx_hal_msp.c file needed to be changed too. I had to overwrite the original hdma_sdmmc1_rx.Instance = DMA2_Channel4; to become hdma_sdmmc1_rx.Instance = DMA2_Channel5;
Since both the channels for rx and tx need to be the same, which is something the MX user interface in CubeIDE does not allow.
//overwrite the rx DMA channel, must be the same as the tx channel, this is a bug in STM32CubeIDE
//for info see thread:
// https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X00009XkWkrSAF/sdiodmafatfs-for-stm32l476rg-cubemx-4250mcu-pack-1110
hdma_sdmmc1_rx.Instance = DMA2_Channel5;
if (HAL_DMA_Init(&hdma_sdmmc1_rx) != HAL_OK)
/* USER CODE END SDMMC1_MspInit 1 */
So apparently, this critical bug in former CubeMX, now part of CubeIDE is still present 3 years after it has been found. Tested with STM32CubeIDE version 1.7.0
2021-10-28 12:02 AM
No quite there yet apparently. I got it to work, I can mount, read and write to my SD card, but I need to change the stack size for the thread in which this is running. Once I increase the stack size 256->512 the SD card fails to mount. Not sure what is going on here.
Another thing that makes me even more confused is when I try to use my SD card function in another project which does not use RTOS at all, the exact same code then fails to mount the card. I'm completely stuck.