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Getting trouble with USART data transfer with STM32429I-EVAL1

Associate II


I'm trying to do USART data transferring with STM32429I-EVAL1 board.

I used example code on CubeIDE and did nothing to the code.

I connected ST-Link/V2 and USART RS-232 cable to my PC.


Then, I got lots of broken letters appears on terminal. (few of them are correct, but almost over 90% of letters are broken)


I checked baud rate, stop bits, parity bits, control flow etc. are same with the code.

I don't know how to solve it. Can anybody help me?


ST Employee


Could you please indicate  which example you are using?

Check first your RS232 cable. It could be a bad contact.

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@Unlimit wrote:

Then, I got lots of broken letters appears on terminal.

When you get "junk" characters on a terminal, that generally means your baudrate is wrong:


@Unlimit wrote:

I checked baud rate,

How did you check it?

See the above link for how to check for sure...


I bought RS232 cable a few days ago but how can I check its connect is right?

And I'm using "UART printf" example for STM32429I-EVAL1.

In the example code, baudrate is set as 9600 in default.

I did not edit it and I cannot configure it with .ioc file, so I think it's right.

If not, how can I check the baudrate without configuring?

You could perhaps check with a multi-meter, look at signals with an oscilloscope or a logic analyzer.

This stuff is very hard diagnose remotely with vague and non-specific details.

What cable, wired how? Perhaps link to page for whatever you bought.

RS232, for sure? Your machine has a serial port? Is this a USB to Serial adapter? CMOS or RS232 Levels?

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Perhaps send a lot of 'U' characters, and inspect the signal with a scope?

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I don't have any multi-meter nor oscilloscope etc.

My board has RS-232 USART port and I plugged it into my PC USB port.

ST-link cable is connected samely.

As I saw the document of the board, I can only see one USART port which I plugged in.