2020-09-07 10:19 AM
hello forum,
I am getting following error - see picture
I use blue pill f103c8 - voltages are ok - blue pill is alive I can see the LED blink
original st link v2 LED is red - driver is ok no error in device manager
I connected SWD pins
please advise
thank s
2020-09-07 10:29 AM
I had the "Failed to start GDB server" issue at the second launch of a fresh installation of STM32CUBE IDE 1.4.0
I reinstalled the IDE but it did finish the installation and disappeared... oO'
... Avast ate those files in secret ... -__-
Hope this can help some of you to save time with this issue.
Bonne journée.
2020-09-09 11:42 AM
I connected VCC of st-linkv2 to 3.3V of blue pill and
I could download my code to blue pill
however after download and start button
cubeide gives "debugger connection lost " error and doesnot stop at breakpoints
my version 1.4.2
I tried with different SWD frequencies no solution
please advise - thank you - picture of error below picture
2020-09-10 4:45 AM
Maybe it is your application that use SWD pins as IOs so debugger loose communication.
Can you try a simple empty project and see if debug is ok.
STlink clock at 140 Khz is a bit slow, try above 1MHz.
2020-09-15 3:30 AM
Hello @mehmet.karakaya ,
Is your problem solved ? Did Laurent's suggestion help you?
Best Regards,
2020-09-15 7:09 AM
hello ,
my problem still continue
my code is simple blink LED
I use debug version of compiler - I dont use swd pins
my question : will it help to connect STM32 reset pin to ST- Link reset pin ?
( in youtube videos people didnot connect reset pin )
thank you
2020-09-15 7:18 AM
It could work without the reset line but you have to choose the "software system reset" and not "connect under reset".
It is preferable to connect the reset line in case of applications using swd pins as io or low power debug mode.
2024-01-29 3:00 AM
I have the same problem, when I load it the connection is lost and it doesn't let me load it again, to load it from the IDE I have to erase the Flash, or directly with the STMProgrammer. Once I erase the memory I put the blink or another program and ok it doesn't happen but I load my code again and it happens again. I have been looking to see if there are any overwritten registers or something but I can't find anything.