2020-07-12 03:20 PM
Dear ST Hello,
I want to use eclipse for my stm32f board.
I installed the arm gnu tool chain and the package gnu from my eclipse installer.
I added the \bin to my PATH in eclipse and OS.
I couldn't compile the project, it seems like eclipse couldn't find the compiler using the make command !
Thank you in advance,
2020-07-12 04:02 PM
It says "make" is not in your path, so you need to add the path to make to your PATH variable. This is going to be something installed with Cygwin or Mingw. The \bin directory won't do much for you on Windows.
STM32CubeIDE will do all of this installation/configuration crap for you and is based on Eclipse. I'd switch to that unless you have a compelling reason.
2020-07-13 02:16 AM
I installed the IDE cube. This is what i want, It is an eclipse IDE and It has all what I am expecting,
Thank you :)