2020-07-13 5:07 AM
Hey guys! I am desperately trying to make a basic USB between my stm32 (stm32L073RZT6) and my linux working... I wanted to discover stm32 and it's STM32CubeIDE so i am new to this and i am doing the USB tutorial consisting only to send a message to a linux terminal (moserial)
The thing is that i have only a TTL-232R-3V3 for the USB communication and i may think the matter come from here since i don't plug the VCC (concidering that there is already an alim with the usb connector used to debbug ). But i managed to make an UART work so that don't make much sense to me...
Also i am using a NUCLEO-L073RZ as devboard. Thank you if you have any sugestion from where the matter can come from!
2020-07-13 5:34 AM
DFU bootloader works?
2020-07-13 6:52 AM
i am far from using a bootloader on a mcu, only want to print a "hello world" on putty or moserial... the card i use is well detected by the usb A/B cable but impossible to know if it is detected by the TTL cable since there is an adapter in this one witch the computer detect even if it's not plugged into the nucleo card's pins.
Device Fs is checked, USB_device set in CDC, clock in 48Mhz and heap size at 0x600...
thank you for the answer