2019-10-04 1:15 AM
Hi! So, TrueSTUDIO supports the Eclipse Color Theme extension right out of the box.
STM32CubeIDE instead does not, but not only: even after searching for it in the Marketplace, it does not show up. Why?
I know that maybe this is not an high priority issue, but I think it is important for developer used to certain color schemes (expecially dark ones) to have them, if they have to migrate to a new IDE.
2019-10-04 5:05 AM
Hi Lori,
https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/eclipse-color-theme can't be installed into STM32CubeIDE since their latest update supports Eclipse up to the version 4.9 and STM32CubeIDE is based on version 4.11.
As alternative you might be interested by https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/darkest-dark-theme-devstyle which has also a good popularity.