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Does the IDE support debugging of the STM32VLDISCOVERY board? How do I configure the debugger for this board?
Associate III
Associate II

I get this error "This debug configuration is associated to a target which is not promoting any debug device (or debug device not supported)".

Did you find any solution?

The error message does not really sound comprehensible.

However, the VL Discovery is quite old, with a totally messed-up ST-Link implementation V1.0.

Not sure if it is properly supported by your PC/IDE.

Can you see the device in the host OS (Hardware manager under Windows, or lsusb command under Linux) ?

Yes device is connected and i can see it in the list. 0690X000008B2gOQAS.png

ST Employee

You can't really configure the debugger for that board.

This is because STM32VLDISCOVERY uses ST-LINK v1 which is not supported in STM32CubeIDE. The reason for this is that v1 is a deprecated design with limited support for the advanced debug features available in STM32CubeIDE. Ideally, the device should not be available in MCUFinder when using STM32CubeIDE. We will consider this as an improvement for future releases.

What IDE did you use previously? To the best of my knowledge that board isn't able to be used with SW4STM32 or newer versions of TrueSTUDIO either. You could use TrueSTUDIO 9.0.1 version, it's before we integrated CubeProgrammer which is also integrated into STM32CubeIDE. CubeProgrammer doesn't support v1 either.

You can download TrueSTUDIO here:

Thank you for the answer.

I used keil uvision but unfortunately i switched my system to mac a while ago. And any of these various IDEs doesn't support mac. So i think i should use parallel or bootcamp until cube support st-link v1
Associate III

Thank you for your answer, Markus. A colleague of mine has to debug an ancient design. The application is not from Him. He wanted to start from scratch on the Discovery Board. But that doesn't seem to be the best idea. ;-) 

Georgy Moshkin
Senior II

If you found this thread and want just to flash and run simple projects to your STM32VLDISCOVERY without debug, use can configure CubeIDE to use ST-LINK_CLI.EXE for flash and run:

1. Install st-link utilites

2. in stm32cubeide open Project→ Properties→ C/C++ Build→ Settings→ tab "Tool Settings" → MCU Post build outputs check "Convert to Intel Hex file"

3. in Run → Debug Configurations double-click on first line "C/C++ Application" to create new configuration. Under the tab "Main" set "C/C++ Application" to C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\STM32 ST-LINK Utility\ST-LINK Utility\ST-LINK_CLI.exe, under the tab "Arguments" set "Program arguments" to -c SWD -P ${project_loc}\${config_name:${project_name}}\${project_name}.hex -Rst, under the tab "Common" check "Display in favorites menu" – "Run"

4. in Window → Preferences → General → Keys set Command "Run" Binding to Ctrl+F11

Now you can write simple code and quickly flash it to your STM32VLDISCOVERY by pressing Ctrl+B and then Ctrl+F11. Although debugger is not working, you can still find some bugs and solve problems by manually sending debug information over UART using TTL to USB converter.

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I really appreciate that you made this comment. I thought I was out of luck getting the CubeIDE to program my VLDiscovery Board. I followed your steps and can confirm that they work!

Thanks again.


Dear community,

thanks for knowledgeable answers, and specific thanks to Georgy whose advise I used for years to operate STM32VLDISCOVERY. Now recently I bought an ST-Link/V2-isol device and operated the MCU on VL DISCOVERY BOard directly. However I still get the error message that the STM32VLDOSCOVERY Board is not supported by IDE Cube for debugging (same error message like first A�?ah). The ST-Link/V2 seems to be recognized well because I could register in the debug configuration

. Does any body have an idea, what to do?