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Can't use/create Debug Config for OSS-7 Stack

OSS-7 is the open-source stack for the DASH7 protocol:

The build system is created with CMake:

Specifying -G "Eclipse CDT4 - MinGW Makefiles" on the CMake command line completes without complaining, and does create the expected Eclipse .project and .cproject files.

STM32 Cube IDE happily opens these, and builds successfully.

But I can't seem to create a Debug configuration that works - the 'Debug' button always remains greyed-out - even after pressing 'Apply' on any changes:


0693W000007EAQoQAO.pngSo what's going wrong?

Why can't I use this Debug Configuration?

What is keeping the 'Debug' button disabled?

The Target is a B-L072Z-LRWAN1, it is connected and a 'Scan' on the 'Debug' tab will read its serial number.

STM32CubeIDE Version: 1.5.1

Build: 9029_20201210_1234 (UTC)

OS: Windows 10, v.10.0, x86_64 / win32

Java version: 1.8.0_272


Cartu38 OpenDev
Lead II

Most probably STM32CubeIDE required metadata lacks here. Possibly share .project & .cproject files

Is there a way for STM32CubeIDE to import a "vanilla" Eclipse project ?

Had to rename the files to attach them.

oh - seems the stupid forum will only allow 1 attachment per post.


STM32CubeIDE is for sure able to import vanilla Eclipse project because vanilla Ecplise & CDT based. But possibly some STM32CubeIDE features are requiring extra metadata added by STM32CubeIDE contributions themselves.

Looking at your .cproject nothing STM32Cube related inside ...

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

Maybe because CubeIDE does not know how to debug x86 binaries?

MinGW is not a Cortex-M toolchain.

Have you tried to generate a makefile and import it into CubeIDE as a makefile project?

> Is there a way for STM32CubeIDE to import a "vanilla" Eclipse project ?

A good question. Maybe it would be easier to implement CubeIDE project generator for cmake?

-- pa

MinGW is just used to provide the 'make' tool on Windows - the actual build is being done by arm-none-eabi-gcc

"Have you tried to generate a makefile and import it into CubeIDE as a makefile project?"

I haven't tried that. There is a makefile, so I could give it a go ...

Interstingly enough, when I open a .project file for SW4STM32 (as found in many ST examples), the CubeIDE recognises that a conversion is needed:


but there was no such warning in this case.

Trying importing 'Existing Code as Makefile Project’:

0693W000007ENfSQAW.pngThe import completes without complaint, and builds without errors or warnings:

0693W000007ENgkQAG.pngI create a Debug Config, and fill-in the details on the 'Main' tab - but 'Apply' or trying to go to any other tab gives:

0693W000007ENibQAG.pngI don't see where to specify the MCU target in any of the Debug Config tabs - maybe it's elsewhere ... ?

"STM32CubeIDE is for sure able to import vanilla Eclipse project"

So how would you do that?

I don't see anything obvious in the 'Import' options:

0693W000007EOYmQAO.pngWhich is the 'Import Vanilla Eclipse Project and Add CubeIDE Metadata' option?