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Bug: STM32CubeIDE - FreeRTOS debug windows are missing

The FreeRTOS debugging tools (as present in Atollic, NXP MCUxpresso, etc) seem to be missing in STM32CubeIDE. These include task view with stack use, semaphore/mutex view, queue view. Those of us using FreeRTOS need these!

What's going on? Are available as a plug-in somewhere?


Best Regards, Dave


Any estimates when freertos support will be ported from Atollic? This is the only thing that keeps we on Atollic, we very miss it.


I just updated to V1.4.1 and still there is no FreeRTOS support. How can ST offer FreeRTOS in CubeMX and then not support it in their IDE debugging?

@Schmid.M.​ - Unfortunately, last I checked, Wittenstein was no longer providing the free plug-in I linked above.

FreeRTOS-aware debugging (tasks/stacks, queues, etc) works extremely well in MCUXpresso, which is what I'm currently using.

ST tools are spectacularly behind the curve.

Best Regards, Dave

Associate III

They make it hard to find, you can't download from the website, but you can install directly! :-)

Add the site:

Install RTOS Tools


Note: Do not open the SafeRTOS windows, they will show nothing, open the OpenRTOS windows.

Not in the next 3 years apparently.

@qua​ - These views are available in latest CubeIDE 1.9.0, though I have not yet tried them.

I can confirm that 1.9.0 still does it.