2019-07-31 07:39 AM
There are Initialization commands that can to do this?
Maybe another way?!
Diego Volpini
2019-08-01 01:40 AM
> ./STM32_Programmer_CLI
Usage :
STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe [command_1] [Agruments_1][[command_2] [Agruments_2]...]
... -c, --connect : Establish connection to the device
<port=<PortName> : Interface identifer. ex COM1, /dev/ttyS0, usb1,
UART port optional parameters:
[br=<baudrate>] : Baudrate. ex: 115200, 9600, etc, default 115200
[P=<parity>] : Parity bit, value in {NONE,ODD,EVEN}, default EVEN
[db=<data_bits>] : Data bit, value in {6, 7, 8} ..., default 8
[sb=<stop_bits>] : Stop bit, value in {1, 1.5, 2} ..., default 1
[fc=<flowControl>] : Flow control
Value in {OFF,Hardware,Software} ..., default OFF
[noinit=noinit_bit]: Set No Init bits, value in {0,1} ..., default 0
JTAG/SWD debug port optional parameters:
[freq=<frequency>] : Frequency in KHz. Default frequencies:
4000 SWD 9000 JTAG with STLINKv2
24000 SWD 21333 with STLINKv3