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New STM32 VSCode extension V2.1.0 released

ST Employee


Version 2.1.0

  • Added support for the following advanced STM32 devices
    • TrustZone devices
    • Dual Core devices
    • Bootflash devices
  • STM32CubeMX v6.12.0 is required to generate CMake projects for these advanced devices
  • STM32CubeCLT v1.16.0 is required to allow import of projects targetting advanced devices
  • User guide updates
    • Added a note in the Upgrade STLINK Firmware section to inform users that it can also be initiated from the VS Code Command Palette
    • Added a new subection: Build Advanced Devices
    • Added a note in Select build target to inform users that alternatively, they can use the CMake extension
    • Added a new subsection: Debug Advanced Devices (includes TZ devices, dual-core devices, and boot flash devices)
    • Added a new section: Flash Device to show how to flash a device using Tasks
    • Added a new subsection in Troubleshooting for Advanced Devices Debug Issues


Evolution and Breaking Changes

Version 2.1.0 of the STM32Cube VS Code extension added the support of:

  • TrustZone devices
  • Dual-core devices
  • Boot flash devices

Working with simple / single-core devices, requires STM32CubeMX v6.11 and STM32CubeCLT v1.15.
Working with TrustZone, Dual-core, or Boot flash devices, requires using STM32CubeMX v6.12 and STM32CubeCLT v1.16.



STM32CubeMX 6.12.0 CMake project generator has the following limitations:

  • TouchGFX projects are not supported
  • On Linux, when using STM32CubeMX V6.12.0, compiling multicontext projects fails. It includes configurations for STM32WL, STM32WBA, STM32U5, STM32L5, STM32H5, STM32H7Rx/7Sx, and STM32H7 dual-core microcontrollers. To resolve this issue, the user must:
    • Rename the startup folder to Startup in all subprojects within the project folder
    • Regenerate the project with STM32CubeMX
    • Build the project

STM32CubeCLT v1.16.0 has the following limitation:

  • The SVD peripheral description file of the following devices contains incorrect interrupt and exception vector information.
    • STM32L476.svd
    • STM32F767.svd
    • STM32C011.svd
      This issue have impacted STM32 VS Code extension startup file generator.

STM32 VS Code Extension v2.0.0 or later has the following limitation:

  • STM32Cube examples and STM32CubeIDE projects cannot be imported to VS Code in an automatic way. The user must do some manual work. Check the Troubleshooting section in the user guide for further details.


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