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STM32CubeMX Hangs When Launched from VSCode


I am running VSCode on Fedora 39 with the latest STM32 VSCode extensions.

I am using STM32CubeMX 6.12.0.

First, STM32CubeMX is not the default action when clicking on the IOC file. It is rather surprising that it is opened in a text editor in VSCode. However, the real problem is that when I right-click on the IOC file in VSCode and select "Open with STM32CubeMX", STM32CubeMX starts up, begins reading the IOC file, and just hangs, never completing the action. This is all I see:


The window is unresponsive. I cannot close it. I need to then manually find the Java process and kill -9 it to resume normal operations. If I start STM32CubeMX manually from the command-line, it works fine. I have verified that both are using the same JRE.

What is causing this and are there any work-arounds?