2023-04-04 2:48 PM
Hi, I'm trying to send data via LoRa with two Nucleo wl55 boards, one receiving, and one sending. I made the code from the SubGHz_Phy_PingPong example, and altered only the process where the "ping-pong" happens. I'm trying to debug both boards, but the console keeps returning "Target is not responding, retrying..." when i run it (both together, and separately aswell). Any idea of what it could be?
Before uploading the code, the IDE also asked me to update the ST-Link on both boards, which I did, but I don't know exactly what is the propper option to update it, so I tried the HSI and HSE, but it also didn't work. Don't know if it's related too.
Appreciate the help!
2023-04-10 9:00 AM
Hello @FPicc.1 ,
Try replacing the USB cable, connecting under reset mode.
Check these articles for such issues, that may help:
2023-04-10 9:59 AM
Connection under reset, or with BOOT0 pulled HIGH, might provide a quick way of recovery.
Make sure you don't have any code explicitly disabling debug, or changing the debug pins functionality / assignment.
Watch also the LOW POWER modes turn OFF the chip and pins facilitating debug connectivity. Avoid going into these directly out of reset.
2023-04-20 2:35 PM
I actually managed to debug the board. I had to change the last two flags in the file "sys_conf.h" from 0 to 1.
But currently I had another issue, I used this example as a base for my project, so I modified it to run as I expected (with SPI1, SPI2, RTC, ADCs, FATFS), but when I tried to debug it crashed. Eventually I found out that when I disabled all ADCs (except IN1) I could debug, but I don't know why this happens (of course, everytime I saved cubeMX I changed the flags again). Also, when I change the RTC from Binary mode, that's the default, to calendar and binary mode, the LoRa application doesn't run.
Any thoughts on this?