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Sd Card / FileX on stm32WBA52CG


I am using a Nucleo-WBA52CG dev. board as well as an sd shield. 

I want to store data from the NUCLEO in the SD card, and be able to read those data with a computer.
The SD card and the stm32WBA should obviously communicate through SPI.
However, the WBA does not have FatFS, nor SDMMC. I suppose that I can use FileX to partially "replace" those elements, but I see myself unable to find anything related to that situation. I suppose that I'll have to check the custom interface, and as I want to use EXFAT, enable it. But from there I'm kind of lost.

Does anyone have a way to do those communications? 

Thanks in advance.
Don't hesitate if you need other informations to facilitate your understanding and give me some hints.