2021-09-13 5:06 AM
In the function we copy the Service_UUID struct to buffer according to size.
UUID can be either a short 2 BYTES or long array of 16 BYTES.
Issue: In case it is 16 BYTES, It looks to be copying 2 BYTES from the short UUID , and 14 BYTES from the long UUID.
Osal_MemCpy( (void*)&cp0->Service_UUID, (const void*)Service_UUID, size );
Is it a bug? or am I missing something?
Full function:
tBleStatus aci_gatt_add_service( uint8_t Service_UUID_Type,
const Service_UUID_t* Service_UUID,
uint8_t Service_Type,
uint8_t Max_Attribute_Records,
uint16_t* Service_Handle )
struct hci_request rq;
uint8_t cmd_buffer[BLE_CMD_MAX_PARAM_LEN];
aci_gatt_add_service_cp0 *cp0 = (aci_gatt_add_service_cp0*)(cmd_buffer);
aci_gatt_add_service_cp1 *cp1 = (aci_gatt_add_service_cp1*)(cmd_buffer + 1 + (Service_UUID_Type == 1 ? 2 : (Service_UUID_Type == 2 ? 16 : 0)));
aci_gatt_add_service_rp0 resp;
Osal_MemSet( &resp, 0, sizeof(resp) );
int index_input = 0;
cp0->Service_UUID_Type = Service_UUID_Type;
index_input += 1;
/* var_len_data input */
uint8_t size;
switch ( Service_UUID_Type )
case 1: size = 2; break;
case 2: size = 16; break;
default: return BLE_STATUS_ERROR;
Osal_MemCpy( (void*)&cp0->Service_UUID, (const void*)Service_UUID, size );
index_input += size;
cp1->Service_Type = Service_Type;
index_input += 1;
cp1->Max_Attribute_Records = Max_Attribute_Records;
index_input += 1;
Osal_MemSet( &rq, 0, sizeof(rq) );
rq.ogf = 0x3f;
rq.ocf = 0x102;
rq.cparam = cmd_buffer;
rq.clen = index_input;
rq.rparam = &resp;
rq.rlen = sizeof(resp);
if ( hci_send_req(&rq, FALSE) < 0 )
if ( resp.Status )
return resp.Status;
*Service_Handle = resp.Service_Handle;
2021-09-13 7:27 AM
I don't see an issue.
Why do you say that
Osal_MemCpy( (void*)&cp0->Service_UUID, (const void*)Service_UUID, size );
copies 2 BYTES from the short UUID , and 14 BYTES from the long UUID ?
Could you explain more ?
2021-09-13 7:32 AM
Just the way Service_UUID is defined.
/* Definition of Service_UUID_t */
typedef PACKED(union)
* 16-bit UUID
uint16_t Service_UUID_16;
* 128-bit UUID
uint8_t Service_UUID_128[16];
} Service_UUID_t;
Copying 'size', that can be either 2 or 16, But always from the start of the struct...
2021-09-13 7:42 AM
it's a C union. both members of Service_UUID_t are in fact at the same memory location.