2023-03-09 8:30 AM
Hi everyone.
im trying to create a project with a LoraWan module that based on stm32wle5ccu6.(RAK3172).
after compliting my ioc UI i build the project, on the building process i got this error.
/LoRaWAN/App/lora_app.c:33:10: fatal error: adc_if.h: No such file or directory
33 | #include "adc_if.h"
| ^~~~~~~~~~
compilation terminated.
make: *** [LoRaWAN/App/subdir.mk:28: LoRaWAN/App/lora_app.o] Error 1
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
"make -j8 all" terminated with exit code 2. Build might be incomplete.
17:24:44 Build Failed. 3 errors, 11 warnings. (took 4s.918ms)
how i can solve this problem ?
2023-03-10 2:07 AM
Hello @rib.1 ,
Ensure the directory of the header file is listed in your include paths for the compiler.
right click project -> Properties -> C/C++ Build -> Settings -> Tool Settings -> MCU GCC Compiler -> Include paths
Or you can just verify the spelling of "adc_if.h"
2023-03-13 1:29 AM
hi Wijeden,
first of all thanks for your reply.
as you see i think that the path is already included ...
2023-03-13 3:30 AM
Hello ,
I wonder you check the stuffs bellow :
Maybe you made some sort of configuration to the .ioc file .
I wait your feedback
Thanks ,
2023-03-13 3:56 AM
Hi Wijeden,
thank you for the replay.
i have recreate a project following your advice.
1- SUBGHz for allowing LoRaWan.
2-USART2 for log ecc.
3- ADC for battery and temp sensor.
at the end when i select in the voice LoRaWan Application under the LoRaWan config.
Application -> End Node skeleton.
i have the adc_if.h error.
2023-03-13 4:01 AM
I tag your thread as STM32cubeMX issue.
2023-03-27 3:02 AM
Hi Wijeden ,
i still have the same problem with my project when i select the End Node skeleton.
do you have any advice to fix this problem ?
best regards
2023-03-27 3:09 AM
Hello @rib.1,
I think your issue is not Cube IDE related it's MX one , i tagged it as Mx Thread and maybe someone else can find the right solution and help you .
2024-06-02 10:59 PM
Hi Wijeden
How can we enable LoRaWAN in the .ioc file during project creation? Is it available in the Middleware section?