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Hi,I have a problem with these pins PA4/SPI_NSS, PA5/SPI1_CLK, PA6/SPI1_MISO I programmed the chip so that those pins are a digital input to check for current present(no current = 0/current present = 1) this process carried out by connecting a wire.a...
Hi,im using a loRawan module based on STM32WLE5 chip.i would like to know how i can save an event to reTx it on the next uplink when i have my gateway off or during a blackout . im trying not to lose info .my Tx duty cycle is every 90 minutes or on b...
basically I'm working with a LoRaWan card that mounts your STM32WLE5CCU6 microcontroller.the problem arises from the high consumption of my product.I'm trying to program the PA8 pin of the microcontroller as an input that is always under VDD and I've...
Hi trying to create a project with a LoraWan module that based on stm32wle5ccu6.(RAK3172).after compliting my ioc UI i build the project, on the building process i got this error./LoRaWAN/App/lora_app.c:33:10: fatal error: adc_if.h: No su...