2017-02-21 2:13 AM
The setup consist of a STM32l152RE Nucleo board, with a LoRa transciever. The code base is the LoRaMac code from Semtech on Github - SensorNode version, as this is targeting sx1276. The IDE I use is Keil uVision v5.
The initial target is L151C8. I successfully changed the target to STM32L152R8 or RB and have the code properly run on the Nucleo board, fitted with STM32L152RE.
As soon as I move to higher feature MCU, such as RC, RD or RE, the timer interrupts are not raised anymore, preventing the code to properly work.
Is there any changes to be done when moving up in the range?
#nucleo-l152re #lorawan2017-02-21 5:20 AM
As soon as I move to higher feature MCU, such as RC, RD or RE,
How? Do you properly rebuild all when changing mcu?
the timer interrupts are not raised anymore, preventing the code to properly work.
Which timer? How do you know they are not raised?
2017-02-21 8:41 AM
I change target MCU from L152RB to L152RE, then build all and run the program.
The code rely on RTC alarm to raise an IRQ. The IRQ handler is called once, but not subsequently.
I guess there is some configuration changes between the RTC/RCC depending the variant of the chip.
2017-02-21 8:59 AM
A quick glance into RM0038's RTC chapter reveals that there is quite a couple of changes between Cat.1 and other cathegory devices - review that chapter and compare to the code relevant to RTC you are using.
Device cathegorization is explained at the beginning of RM0038; your previous parts were Cat.1, new parts are Cat.3 to Cat.5.