2021-09-09 10:51 AM
I attended the Tuesday Sept 7th session of the lorawan-with-stm32wl-soc-workshop-ame-2021
I was unable to complete the workshop during the allotted time. I would like to complete the training. Are the videos available?
2021-09-09 11:24 AM
You should be able to go to the "Join" page link you were sent.
I was supposed to take todays, but it kept rejecting my email address, I ended up keying in some registration details and it took me to the video/slides. Watching currently (like a 1:27 hour video)
The live support crew are there currently too, and you can click thru to a WebEx session for that.
A download should be available later, expect an email, or link off the page
2021-09-09 12:34 PM
That works for joining today's session, which terminates in about a half hour. I'm not set up. I still will need to work through the seminar after setting everything back up.
Can i download or access the 87 min video off-line?
2021-09-10 7:40 AM
Your ON24 workshop session link should remain active for registered attendees, even after the workshop. We are also looking to add a live support session next week, 9/15, of which you should receive an email about. You can also use ST's Online Support channel for further questions.
Thanks for your interest! =)
2021-10-17 9:56 AM
Is this workshop somewhere for all available to watch? Or a Lora STM32WL55 MOOC?
2021-10-18 5:39 AM
Our hands-on LoRaWAN workshop is now available by clicking above on "Academy" --> "My eLearning" and clicking the LoRaWAN Hands-On Development... link. Enjoy!
2021-10-18 3:56 PM
Awesome thanks!
2022-08-29 8:59 AM
I attended the workshop, but I don't have anything listed under academy. I would like to review the material. Is there a way for me to get it added to my profile
2022-08-31 7:30 AM
Hello, please log on to my.st.com and "Add to my eLearning", the class:
Then you can view the content.
2022-08-31 7:46 AM
Thank you for your help.