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I want to switch from FreeRTOS to Azure RTOS ThreadX. In FreeRTOS there is the function xQueueSendToBackFromISR() - It is used to write data to the queue from an interrupt service routine. FreeRTOS interrupt provides an interrupt safe version of queu...
Hello,I worked until now with FreeRTOS. And in FreeRTOS there are Trace Hook Macros.Is there an equivalent on Azure RTOS ThreadX?Trace hook macros on FreeRTOS are a very powerful feature that permit you to collect data on how your embedded applicatio...
Hello,in the Semaphore example( there is this step:Open Core\Src \main.c – you can copy and paste the code below, but please notice the" USER CODE BEGIN", to properly place the co...
Hello,so in this video: is stated that the main thing is that with CMSIS 0S2 wrapper I can call the RTOS api of Arm and beyond that I can use either FreeRTOS or ThreadX. So it is very useful for to switch...
Hello,I followed this guide: everything works.But when I try to add a modification, a HAL_UART_Transmit - HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2, (uint8_t *)&message, 1, 10); - in one thread...
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