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Includes errors with LoRa library

Nicolas Hell
Associate II
Posted on January 09, 2018 at 11:19

Hi everyone, I'm currently working with my team on a GSM/LoRa gateway with the B-L072Z-LRWAN1 board and we are facing some trouble on the LoRa part. Indeed we figured out that we needed to import the LoRa library from STM32CubeExpansion in our project but when we do, there are a lot of errors appearing due to unresolved includes (for example 'hw_conf.h' or 'debug.h') and we did not manage to find those files or to fix these issues, is there someone facing the same issue or with a solution? It would be much appreciated

#stm32cubeexpansion #include-error #b-l072z-lrwan1
Andrew Neil
Evangelist III
Posted on January 11, 2018 at 00:09

What IDE are you using?

When you say, '

unresolved includes'

 are they actual compiler errors, or just Eclipse browsing problems?

Have you built the LoRa stuff 'standalone' to understand how it



Might be easier to merge your stuff into the LoRa stuff - rather than the other way around ... ?

Posted on January 11, 2018 at 01:22

Start by building the examples unmodified. Keil will let you see and load the dependencies, right clicking on a file should get you to some options showing a path.

The LRWAN tree uses a significantly different environment compared to the typical HAL/CubeMX output. As Andrew indicates merging in what you need from CubeMX might be the easier route, or frankly just being proficient in HAL and register level peripheral interaction. The code has a number of broken concepts going on, and is rather fragile, especially with respect to interrupt priorities, spin loops and blocking code. Covered things in a couple of threads here.

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Posted on January 11, 2018 at 10:42

Clive One wrote:

Start by building the examples unmodified. Keil will let you see and load the dependencies


The code will build in the free Keil for STM32L0/F0.

Posted on January 11, 2018 at 14:31

We are using SW4STM32 or Atollic TRUEStudio, both are equivalent, apparently it seems that it is browsing issues which leads to compilation failures, the IDE seems to not find the header files.

There is one example which works, the AT-Slave, we might try to merge our project in this one to see if that works

Posted on January 11, 2018 at 14:34

Ok thank you for your help, we will try to merge our code with an existing project (probably the AT_Slave example which is the only one who works correctly for us, the other ones have the same problem with unresolved includes in the IDE we use, SW4STM32).

We might also try to change the IDE and chose Keil to see if that works better

Posted on January 11, 2018 at 18:03

It is a common issue with Eclipse that you can get the Editor saying it can't resolve stuff, while the code actually builds correctly!

This is because Eclipse uses its own, separate thing to do the indexing - and it's that indexer which gets out-of-step.

There are menu options to rebuild the index.

Sometimes doing a clean & full rebuild helps.

Sometimes closing & restarting Eclipse helps.

You could try raising the issue in the Atollic and AC6 forums ...

Posted on January 12, 2018 at 03:59

Same issue here,  (trying to compile the end point project)

VS2018\LR073\inc\hw_gpio.h(86,1):               error : unknown type name 'IRQn_Type'

error : unknown type name 'GPIO_TypeDef'

error : unknown type name 'GPIO_InitTypeDef'

Keil is so slow, are you using uV5 ?

I use VisualStudio/GDB and uV5, much prefer VS for speed and robustness.

Somehow the file STM32Fl073xx.h is not included in the project..

still stuck trying to set the target somewhere.

Inside this file  hw_conf.h,  I can see there no targets are defined

where do I define the target ?

The IDE (VS) already knows its a L073, but the Lrwan firmware doesn't know which board is running.

Associate II

Did you solve those ussues?

I would like to start a project using atollic....

PS: Why ST did not generate a project with Atollic ?

Because few people we using it? And they were trying to negotiate a better price.

Keil has a free licences, the examples just work, why ski uphill on this?

All the required files are in the package, make sure the project, libraries and includes are pathed correctly for the toolset you have chosen to master.

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