2019-12-04 12:06 PM
2019-12-09 7:59 AM
In fact, it is correct now as the TSC functionality is not exposed anymore for the 48-pin variants in the CubeMX tool V2.2 and above.
2019-12-10 12:26 AM
HI @Patrick Chwalek ,
As @Remi QUINTIN said , this issue is no more present for WB55CG in the CubeMX 5.5.0 (next release which will be available to download W52).
Thanks for your feedback,
2019-12-10 2:00 AM
But I will more check with the Developer , if there's something wrong , TSC will be added to 5.5.0.
2019-12-10 8:14 AM
Thank you @Remi QUINTIN and @Khouloud ZEMMELI !
2020-01-14 10:07 AM
Hi @Khouloud ZEMMELI , I just downloaded v5.5.0 and TSC support is still not there. Will this be added back?
2020-02-02 8:38 PM
Hi @Khouloud ZEMMELI and @Remi QUINTIN , I apologize for the persistence but this issue still isn't resolved. Per https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/stm32wb55cg.pdf, PB4-PB7 of the UFQFPN48 package has TSC_G2 functions but this is not existent in the latest STM32WB Cube firmware package (v1.4). Will this issue be addressed?
2020-02-11 9:20 AM
Just to update everyone, I went ahead and manually integrated ST's HAL touch libraries and initialized the touch peripheral manually -- everything works as expected on pins PB4-PB7 with the touch peripheral so there is no hardware limitation.