2023-05-29 9:57 AM
I have a STM32WLE that works with the lora end_node project
I have a sensor that i power up with a mosfet when needed.
But during the time that the chip is sleeping i need to disable the internal I2C pullup (+30 uA more due to the fact that the VCC of the sensor don't control the internal pullup).
But when i call all the function that can possibly disable the PULLUP (via i2c functions or GPIO_DeInit) the sensor isn't responding even if i call MX_i2c_init()
Can someone help me
2023-06-07 3:10 PM
I want to help but your question is not clear…
Before going into stop2, set the IOs to analog, which has lowest power consumption.
After wakeup, re-initialize the I2C IOs by calling the related MSP init function.