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How can i fix "Could not determine GDB version using command: " error ?

Selim Sagir
Associate III


I am trying to use B-L072Z-LRWAN1 kit with library from Semtech which is Firmware Driver and LoRaWAN Stack V4.1.0. I solved error step by step with adding files one by one. Now that error occurs after Debug program. I am using Ubuntu Disco Dingo.0690X000008AB9nQAG.png

Before this i face with this error when build finished;

 Generate build reports done

arm-atollic-eabi-objcopy.exe -O ihex GPS_Demo.elf GPS_Demo.hex 

Cannot run program "arm-atollic-eabi-objcopy.exe": Unknown reason

Error: Program "arm-atollic-eabi-objcopy.exe" not found in PATH



In my case, I'm more a stable Debian guy. But I made it unstable, my bad. Hence the Kubuntu 23.10 mantic I mentioned.

That Kubuntu lasted ... 5 days, before being so unstable, broken that I went back to Debian ! That resolved the issue, since the libncurses is older under Debian.


Also, after a quick look, it seems that the solution by athulmuralidhar below may work