2020-02-24 5:33 AM
In my recent received P-Nucleo-MB1355C board, it has FUS version FUSv0.5.3, which need to upgraded with newer version available in STM32Cube_FW_WB_V1.4.0. While trying to update with -fwupgrade command, getting error Error: Firmware not authentic! . looking for a prompt suggestion. I have attached my cmd window image for reference -
2020-02-24 5:40 AM
if you are using the USB port in DFU mode, could you read the value at 0x20030030 and also the SFSA option byte?
2020-02-24 10:06 PM
Hi Remi, Yes I can read value at 0x20030030 and its resulting updated FUS version (01000200). it seems firmware got updated with error as well ?
2020-02-24 10:32 PM
after above update, SFSA option byte status changed from 0xf6 to 0xf4.
2020-02-25 1:37 AM
So, if SFSA = 0xF6, I can confirm the FUS has been correctly update to the new version 1.0.2.
You should be able to load the RF stack as well.
The error message you got is not meaningful.
2020-02-25 2:35 AM
Thanks Remi, for your quick turn around.
After wireless binary update its status changed to 0x9F, is it the correct installation?
2020-02-25 2:54 AM
If you load the RF stack at 0x0809F000 , it is OK. Which RF stack did you upload?
Usually , the best thing to do is to load the RF stack as close as possible of the FUS area to spare some space in the Flash memory for the user application.
2020-02-25 5:05 AM
stm32wb5x_Thread_FTD_fw.bin at 0x0809F000
2020-02-25 5:05 AM
Above one, Thread FTD.
2020-02-25 5:13 AM
stm32wb5x_Thread_FTD_fw.bin at 0x0809F000 is correct!