2020-05-11 1:21 PM
Hello everyone. I am debugging the STM32+SX1272 LORA wireless communication. Now I follow the sample code provided by ST company which download from the website. The sample code version is STM32CubeExpansion_LRWAN_V1.3.1.
Now I can transfer "ping" and "pong" between two modules using the sample code.
As I understand, there is a buffer which size is 64 which is define to transfer data. It is defined below.
#define BUFFER_SIZE 64 // Define the payload size here
uint16_t BufferSize = BUFFER_SIZE;
uint8_t Buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
As I understand, in the main loop, when the state = RX the data transferred in is stored in the Buffer array and prepare the next frame data for the transmission.
if (strncmp((const char *)Buffer, (const char *)PongMsg, 4) == 0)
// Indicates on a LED that the received frame is a PONG
LED_Toggle(LED_RED2) ;
// Send the next PING frame
Buffer[0] = 'P';
Buffer[1] = 'I';
Buffer[2] = 'N';
Buffer[3] = 'G';
// We fill the buffer with numbers for the payload
for (i = 4; i < BufferSize; i++)
Buffer[i] = i - 4;
Radio.Send(Buffer, BufferSize);
Now I have a question, If I make an analog and digital conversion and get some data. How can I put the data in the Buffer array and transmit data to another node. How can I use PRINTF function to transmit the data to the computer via USB communication. I don't know how to use PRINTF function. It seems relative to the function of Trace.
Any help will be appreciated.
Best regards,
2020-05-11 6:32 PM
>>How can I use PRINTF function to transmit the data to the computer via USB communication. I don't know how to use PRINTF function. It seems relative to the function of Trace.
PRINTF on the Murata module (LORA-DISCO) outputs via one of the physical UART to the ST-LINK VCP
To output via USB you'd need to code a CDC device on the "STM32" you are using, and then buffer and manage the data. See the HAL examples in the Cube repository for your "STM32"
>>If I make an analog and digital conversion and get some data. How can I put the data in the Buffer array and transmit data to another node.
It is just a memory buffer, you can put in whatever data you want into the buffer, the transfer is just a collection of bytes, think basic data representation.
The buffer doesn't have to be 64 bytes, but you'd need to manage and queue the data so you could do a new Radio.Send() after it completed the last one. You could define the format of the packet, it could be an array or a structure, it depends on what serves your needs.