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BLE data every 5 ms



I designed my custom board using STM32WB series to be connected to sensor and send data to CLIENT which is my laptop.  I am able to use Write and Read Characteristics for a single character.

Now I intend to use READ characteristic to send data every 5 millisecond to laptop.  My sensor data payload can be maximum 120 Bytes.

Do you see any issues here on STM32WB ? Does BLE support this much ?



@Nico3 wrote:

I intend to use READ characteristic to send data every 5 millisecond

Does it really need to be that fast?

As well as the the STM32, you have to consider the PC end - it may not allow such fast updates...

I was wondering the same, i dont think Host PC can handle that rate. 


In the other hand, i am able to transfer up to 512 bytes per window using BLE. But i never tryed as a constant way to update but more like "when" some variable suffer a change in the "server" i make a "notifcation" to update that value in the paired client. At the end BLE is not like UART, in BLE you have characteristics and they should be used for particular scenarios.



@urbito wrote:

I was wondering the same, i dont think Host PC can handle that rate. 

It's not so much that it can't handle it - just that it may not allow it.

Windows decides how it allocates the radio resources.

Similarly on phones/tablets.


You didn't if it really needs to be that fast?


I am data logging vibration data from multiple sensors. I need vibration data atleast of 10Hz frequency.  So I need to sample atleast at 20Hz.  That means data logging every 50 ms. 

I am thinking to go higher as much possible so data FFT is more reliable.  If 5ms is too much, then i go for 20 or last 50 ms. 


Arent you able to hold that data in host MCU for 500ms and then send it to Client PC? For example...

yes,,this can be workable... never came to my mind.. 

Then try to give it a shoot :)


Hopefully it helps!

