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Associate II


Can we, now, generate a STM32L4R9AI project with STM32CubIde including TouchGFX Middelware ?

X-CUBE-TOUCHEGFX v4.13.0 offer this possibility or not yet ?


Associate II


The screen is White.

I searche the Tearing Effect callback but I found that is defined only in DSI driver, I use the RGB interface ! Can you please give me the name of the callback what do you think about ?



You will find it in TouchGFXGeneratedHAL.cpp

extern "C"
    void HAL_LTDC_LineEventCallback(LTDC_HandleTypeDef *hltdc)
        if (LTDC->LIPCR == lcd_int_active_line)
            //entering active area
            HAL_LTDC_ProgramLineEvent(hltdc, lcd_int_porch_line);
            // Swap frame buffers immediately instead of waiting for the task to be scheduled in.
            // Note: task will also swap when it wakes up, but that operation is guarded and will not have
            // any effect if already swapped.
            //exiting active area
            HAL_LTDC_ProgramLineEvent(hltdc, lcd_int_active_line);

When you use the RGB interface, TouchGFX Generator/CubeMX will generate all the code necessary for it to work, which is not the case for DSI where the programmer needs to implement his own custom interface.


Associate II

​I confirm that this callback is periodicaly called.

What kind of UI do you want to display ?

Is the background of your UI supposed to be white ?

Except the DSI to LTDC-RGB change, did you change something else ?


Associate II

What kind of UI do you want to display ?

  •           ​Only background ( simple Photo).

Is the background of your UI supposed to be white ?

  •          No the bakground is not white

Except the DSI to LTDC-RGB change, did you change something else ?

  • Except DSI to RGB565 no change is added.

Do you confirm using the v3.0.0 (TouchGFX Generator) Application template for the L4R9-EVAL ?

Because the L4R9-EVAL AT only supports 24 bits depth color. The 16 bits support is not done because the screen that is supposed to be on this board is 24 bits.

In any case, for some boards the 16 bits depth color is not supported while it should, and these are among the tasks to be done.

I will try to give you some feedback in the near future regarding that.

To summarize, the bit depth color might be the issue. In the meantime, you can have a look at the F469-EVAL or DISCO AT to understand how the switch between 16 bits and 24 bits is performed.


Associate II

 â€‹Yes, I m using the v3.0.0 (TouchGFX Generator) Application template for the L4R9-EVAL. So we modified the L4R9-EVAL to support 16Bits

the LCD used is a custom one.

I inform you that when I build the project by my self, All work and the UI is running ... but whith TouchGFX Generator I have the problem.

I want generat the project throught  STM32CubIDE to benifit of MCU configuration facility.


So if I understand correctly you have one project that works with your custom LCD and does not use the latest version with TouchGFX Generator (v3.0.0) and when you try to make the same project but using Generator you encountered an issue on the display ? And you have no idea what is the difference between these 2 projects, is that the current status ?


Associate II

​Exactly, this is the current status.

Associate II

Any adea to resolve my problem ?
