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Working with Partial Frame Buffer memory (4.12.3)

Jack li1
Associate III


I have some problem about t Partial Frame Buffer memsory.I declared ManyBlockAllocator<360*182,2, 2> frameBufferAllocator in the program just like in the tutorial,but displayed the error .Are there any detailed tutorials about how to use Partial Frame Buffer memory? 

Thank you very much!!


Jack li

Error[Li005]: no definition for "touchgfx::FrameBufferAllocatorWaitOnTransfer()"


That article doesn't match well with what the generator gives you - I'm rewriting it to fit in a new structure on a new doc platform (the entire office is involved in a giant documentation effort atm).

Are you using my example? Are you generating a project with partial Framebuffers using the generator? With the generator only two functions are required to be provided by you.

1) transfer block to display

2) transfer completed?


Hi Martin

I have a problem with partial frame buffer in STM32F429 with TouchGFX4.13. I'm using CubeMX for generating code and implement transmitFrameBufferBlock() isTransmittingData() function but when I flash board it didn't show anything and the screen becomes black when the application runs. Do you have any idea why this is happening?

I'm using ili9341 lcd and pretty sure that lcd driver is working properly. And also I'm using timer for tick source at 30Hz.

Hi Martin

I'm trying to use my stm32F769I-Disco only with it's internal ram, but for that i need to use the partial buffer (because if not the allocation doesn't fit).

As it was already said here, the guide doesn't match the actual structure (I'm using CubeIDE). So, it would be really helpfull for me to have some kind of updated code to use as reference (or at least some hint to know how to use the old guide in the new structures)

(I'm using CubeIDE with the MX btw)

Thank you!


Hello martin,

I am working on a touch gfx project where my drive function requires uint8_t data, while touch gfx  get client frame buffer returns uint16_t, my oled drive function is oled( x, y, constant uint8_t* image)

If i pass constant uint16_t get client frame buffer function  to uint8_t image the image displayed is getting distorted. How i can i convert frame buffer to uint8_t, my application is of 8 bit spi transfer, oled is RGB 565