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TouchGFX simulator color space?

Chief II

Howto configure simulator to show real image as on RGB565 or RGB666 displays is showed? Now when i use image B simulator show it ideal, but real LCD as B64.

Exist way to show it in simulator or i define IDEA for this.?

Chief III

Hi MM,

The simulator cannot emulate hardware, e.g. a emulate a extra wires for RGB666. It only shows what the LCD class tells it to (RGB565) in terms of the format of your image assets, for instance.

We are looking into possibilities of making the Simulator more "realistic".


Hmm i dont ask simulate wires but simply in simulator GUI make simple AND RGB with color space from app, then when space is 24 and it with FFFFFF

, but when color space is 16 AND will FCFCFC or F8FCF8 - not real or do simulator this now?

Chief II

@Martin KJELDSEN​ and for detail simulator need use LTDC RGB config and not framebuffer RGB config, because i can use display connected RGB666 and framebuffer RGB888, but i need see in simulator result for AND FCFCFC as i write before.

I mean simply in config screen for simulator in TouchGFX add settings for this, then engine dont need hard locate what user need.

For better understand i have design where LTDC is set to RGB18 (physical connection on LCD) , but touchGFX is set to RGB24.

Then when i simulate i need see RGB18. 8)