2020-05-12 4:03 AM
TouchGFX 4.13.0 and ST-LINK 4.5 and CubeProgram 2.3.0 installed to our system Windows 7 64Bit. Board Development STM32F746G Discovery.
Create new project to TouchGFX, STM32F746G Discovery to version 3.0.0 and 3.0.1 and Blank UI.
Push button RUN TARGET
Compile all code and screen error RUN TARGET Failed, make: ***[flash] Error 2
Detail view:
Run Target
Copy Framework
Copying TouchGFX framework version 4.13.0 to C:\TouchGFXProjects\MyApplication_2\Middlewares\ST\touchgfx
make -f ../gcc/Makefile flash
Linking TouchGFX/build/bin/target.elf
Producing additional output formats...
target.hex - Combined internal+external hex
intflash.elf - Internal flash, elf debug
intflash.hex - Internal flash, hex
extflash.bin - External flash, binary
STM32CubeProgrammer v2.3.0
Error: Old ST-LINK firmware version. Upgrade ST-LINK firmware
Error: Old ST-LINK firmware version. Upgrade ST-LINK firmware
Error: Old ST-LINK firmware!Please upgrade it.
gcc/Makefile:282: recipe for target '_intflash_' failed
make[1]: *** [_intflash_] Error 1
../gcc/Makefile:50: recipe for target 'flash' failed
make: *** [flash] Error 2
Question how can I solve ???
I state that both ST-LINK and CubeProgrammer are installed and that by making a connection test from ST-LINK the target from the "Target> Connector" menu the target is correctly detected.
While other anomaly from CubeProgrammer once opened if I try to click on the connect button I get an error "OLD ST-LINK firmware, please upgrade it before trying to reconnect".
I try to give you all the elements to understand how to solve.
I also followed all the recommended installation procedure https://support.touchgfx.com/docs/introduction/welcome but I was unable to get to grips with it.
Can you help me understand correctly ???
I come from the Embedded Widzard programming environment and everything worked perfectly ..... I would also like to test this working environment.
Thanks Roby
Solved! Go to Solution.
2020-05-12 4:46 AM
Indeed, you need to upgrade the ST Link Firmware version as mentioned in the downloading error.
Two ways:
2020-05-12 4:46 AM
Indeed, you need to upgrade the ST Link Firmware version as mentioned in the downloading error.
Two ways:
2020-05-12 7:05 AM
Thanks Alexandre for helping.
Now everything works perfectly, I did not understand that it was the programmer who resides on Discovery ........ thanks.
Logically, also having another Discovery, do I have to do the same operation having purchased it long ago STM32F429ZIT6?
Another info being a beginner of this ecosystem where I can find an entry level guide to understand each other more?
I am a UI desiner for apps and web with a passion for electronics with little programming knowledge, I come from MicroE C ++, Visual Studio, Arduino and Raspberry realizing different projects and I would like to try my hand at programming these devices by managing IC2, Serial etc.
Meanwhile, thanks, he was very kind in answering me immediately.
2020-05-12 7:49 AM
Hi, CRobe.1,
yes, all NUCLEO and DISCOVERY boards having an STLINK on board (V2-1 or V3), so they need to be updated, too.
Additional information: there is a lot of information available
Have you seen the Step-By-Step guide?
Last but not least - please check the TouchGFX support site, which also contains a lot of hints, e.g. for communication between TouchGFX and the core:
Good luck!
2020-05-12 7:57 AM
Thanks Peter,
all very clear I was looking for just that.
Perfect Thank you very much for your help.
Perfect technical support.