2025-01-17 3:26 AM - edited 2025-01-17 2:17 PM
I’m using the RVT70HSSNWC00-B from Riverdi and STM32H757XIH6 (datasheet: https://download.riverdi.com/RVT70HSSNWC00-B/DS_RVT70HSSNWC00-B_Rev.1.3.pdf ). After generating the project, regardless of the TouchGFX version (4.24.2, 4.24.0), I encounter the following error:
CM7/Middlewares/ST/touchgfx/lib/core/cortex_m7/gcc\libtouchgfx-float-abi-hard.a(LCD24bpp.o): In function `touchgfx::LCD24bpp::DecompressorRGB_QOI::blitCopyARGB8888(unsigned char const*, touchgfx::Rect const&, touchgfx::Rect const&, unsigned char)':
(.text._ZN8touchgfx8LCD24bpp19DecompressorRGB_QOI16blitCopyARGB8888EPKhRKNS_4RectES6_h+0x328): undefined reference to `touchgfx::paint::flushLine(unsigned long*, int)'
(.text._ZN8touchgfx8LCD24bpp19DecompressorRGB_QOI16blitCopyARGB8888EPKhRKNS_4RectES6_h+0x4e2): undefined reference to `touchgfx::paint::flushLine(unsigned long*, int)'
CM7/Middlewares/ST/touchgfx/lib/core/cortex_m7/gcc\libtouchgfx-float-abi-hard.a(LCD24bpp.o): In function `touchgfx::LCD24bpp::DecompressorRGB_QOI::blitCopyRGB888(unsigned char const*, touchgfx::Rect const&, touchgfx::Rect const&, unsigned char)':
(.text._ZN8touchgfx8LCD24bpp19DecompressorRGB_QOI14blitCopyRGB888EPKhRKNS_4RectES6_h+0x46a): undefined reference to `touchgfx::paint::flushLine(unsigned long*, int)'
(.text._ZN8touchgfx8LCD24bpp19DecompressorRGB_QOI14blitCopyRGB888EPKhRKNS_4RectES6_h+0x4ea): undefined reference to `touchgfx::paint::flushLine(unsigned long*, int)'
Depending on the TouchGFX version, I use the corresponding STM32CubeMX version. After generating the code, the project can be uploaded to the controller, but the touch functionality does not work. I’ve already tried various combinations, including migrating projects to newer versions. Unfortunately, nothing seems to work.
Does anyone have any idea what might be wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance!
Let me know if you'd like any adjustments.
EDIT: The Problem is solved. It was Touchgfx Version and code generating on this device is not supported.
Pawel Jaromin
2025-01-21 2:56 AM
Hello Pawel,
I am not sure what you mean by your edit. The board should work fine with TouchGFX. The designer even includes a board setup that should work as shown in the picture.
Using that, are you able to make a UI, flash it and have touch input work?
2025-01-24 11:42 PM
Hello Mathias,
With my edit I mean the version of Touchgfx should be 4.24.2, version of Riverdi software v4.0.0 and the most important: you can't generate code with CubeMX. You do it once and your project is damaged and can't build anymore. So if you need to do some changes, you have to do it per hand.
Best regards, Pawel.