Great to hear!Your flash issues are puzzling still. If it is fixed by sampling at half-cycle with a pre scaler of 2, that suggests some sort of signal distortion at that speed. But you also get better results when running without the prescaler, where...
Hello,If you can get a data sheet for the sensor on your camera, there may be values provided for the parameters set in the two example projects. you may also be able to figure out how it is configured and used in Linux and convert that to something ...
It does seem like it might be related to the external flash. The fact that it only affects certain characters probably indicates that it has something to do with where the characters are placed, or that the data is simply not written correctly to the...
Hello,The N6 STM32Cube firmware ships with some examples for the N6 discovery kit that might be of interest.If you have CubeMX 6.13 and have downloaded the firmware for N6 through there i would suggest looking at that. They can be found at:C:\Users\<...
I'm back after a little winter break :)Are you specifically linking text data in your linker script (FontFlashSection and TextFlashSection)?If not, you could add this to your linker script: FontFlashSection :
*(FontFlashSection FontFlashSectio...