2022-05-09 7:26 AM
I'm working in touchgfx with STM32F469I discovery, i'm trying to communicate with PC using UART function.
I used this tuto : (1) TouchGFX - sending uart data to GUI on a STM32F746G-DISC0 - YouTube
i'm using RealTerm TCP/IP to send data, but it doesn't work.
you can find the code in Github : ISSUE WITH SENDING DATA BY UART TO VIEW · GitHub
Can anyone help me please !
2022-05-09 1:14 PM
What is your error? Debug your code simulate data receive first...
2022-05-10 12:39 AM
Thank you for your response,
I’m sorry I mean: RealTerm: Serial/TCP terminal
I have no errors with the code, but the data is not displayed on the screen.
2022-05-10 9:30 AM
Im not expert for semaphore, MVP system use queues , but simple i repeat. DEBUG your code:
2022-12-19 11:55 PM
Hi, I have the same problem.
I set a screen page to transmit and receive UART data , but nothing happens
can you tell me how to check the variable in debug?
I don't know how to it...
I am beginner.
2022-12-20 1:06 AM
Are you sure you're receiving data? Did you enable global interrupt for UART6 in NVIC configuration?
2022-12-20 7:20 AM
Open new ticket and show code, but primary UART cant be handled in screen or model, you require separate thread. Maybe can in nonblockin mode handling...
2022-12-20 10:38 PM
Hi, did you able solve the problem? im facing the same problem right now
2022-12-26 4:23 PM
Hi, did you solve the issue? cause im having same problem right now. totally also a beginner