2019-03-13 12:46 AM
i have generated an IAR cubeMX project with touchGFX for STM32F767.
Do i have just to modify the parameters in the cubeMX Multimedia->LTDCD according to my screen (synchro for width, for height...) ?
Or are there other initializations to do to make my screen work with touchGFX ?
(in a demo project there is a stm32746g_discovery_lcd.c file that have initialization and configuration functions)
Thanks for any support
best regards
2019-03-19 5:27 AM
Hi @Professional
Yes you can modify the parameters in the CubeMX Multimedia => LTDCD (synchronization for width, for height...), for example, the values of TGFX_Buffer_Width and TGFX_Buffer_Height (of Graphics) are retrieved from Active Width and Active Height (of Ltdc) as shown in the following figures.
Best regards,
2019-03-19 6:03 AM
thanks for the reply, so there are no more initialization needed to make the screen work ? The code generated by CubeMx is sufficient ?
Best regards
2019-03-21 1:11 AM
Hi @Professional
Yes the code generated by STM32CubeMx is sufficient.
Best regards.