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TouchGFX 4.13.0 + STM32CubeMX 5.6.1 + STM32F429Discovery manual

Associate III


I would like to know if there is some kind of manual to make everything work.

I tried to follow “Generator User Guide�? from here:

Using the following parameters:



I get the following error in both cases:

Fatal Error[Pe035]: #error directive: "A user must call touchgfx::startNewTransfer(); once transmitFrameBufferBlock() has succesfully sent a block." D:\cubemx\wind0\Src\TouchGFXHAL.cpp 40

Using these parameters:


I get this:


PS: I use IAR 8.30

PPS: I commented the following lines in the TouchGFXHAL.cpp and somehow SW was working but there was no picture in the board screen...

#error "A user must call touchgfx::startNewTransfer(); once transmitFrameBufferBlock() has succesfully sent a block."

#error "A user must implement C-methods isTransmittingData() and transmitFrameBufferBlock() used by the Partial Framebuffer Strategy."

If any other information is needed please let me know.


Karan 123
Alexandre RENOUX


You will find in TouchGFX Designer the Application Template for the F429-DISCO board. No need to do it yourself.


Associate III

I tried to use TouchGFX Designer 4.13.0. I selected my board - STM32F429I-DISCO, chose empty project and added just one button. Then I clicked "Generate Code" and it was ok. When I tried to "Run Target" - Run Target Failed.

I tried to open generated project in IAR. But when I compiled it it gave a lot of errors (total: 48) such as: Fatal Error[Pe1696]: cannot open source file "cmsis_compiler.h"; Fatal Error[Pe1696]: cannot open source file "FreeRTOS.h" etc...

What did I do wrong?


Can you try with STM32CubeIDE?



Associate III

Hi. Actually my question emerged because I started from STM32CubeIDE :)

I mean to can you try to build using STM32Cube Rather than IAR


The application templates are by default ready to run with Designer and CubeIDE. If you want to use IAR, you need to indicate it to CubeMX.

So you need to do the following steps:

  1. Open CubeMX
  2. Go to Project Manager Tab
  3. In the Toolchain/IDE field, change from STM32CubeIDE to EWARM
  4. Click on the button Generate Code
  5. Open the .touchgfx file with TouchGFX Designer
  6. Generate code in TouchGFX Designer
  7. Now open the project with IAR and build. This should work.

Can you send the issue that you encountered when building with TouchGFX Designer by clicking Run Target ?



That is exactly what I mentioned in the first message, adding the reference to the same steps...

As for what is wrong when I 'run target' from TouchGFX Designer. Code generation is ok. After I start 'run target' I see that compilation and linking are ok, but when I see flash step it stops and and says 'Failed'.

As I answered further selecting other version of the board (I don't know what is that version exactly) solves the issue.

Sorry. I even didn't know about CubeIDE existence. I started from CubeMX not CubeIDE.

I downloaded CubeIDE and built in it - result the same, i.e. no any image at all...


When the project is started from TouchGFX Designer the first thing needed to be done is selection of the necessary board. So definitely I selected STM32F429 Discovery. There is 'i' icon on the selection screen where I can select the version of something. The default version is v3.0.1. Doesn't work with it. I also can select v3.0.0 - doesn't work. The version v1.1.0 however works perfectly. So it suits me for now, but it took huge amount of time to find out the solution, because I tried different combinations of hardware setup in CubeMX, different IAR EWARM versions, CubeIDE without success...

What is also uncomfortable when I start project from CubeMX for IAR EWARM and after that run TouchGFX Designer - the include paths for graphics folders are not generated I it is necessary to add them manually. When project works as it should be it is ok, But as I mentioned earlier I tried different ways of projects' creation and it was tiresome to add all that several times...