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TouchGFX 4.13.0 + STM32CubeMX 5.6.1 + STM32F429Discovery manual

Associate II


I would like to know if there is some kind of manual to make everything work.

I tried to follow “Generator User Guide�? from here:

Using the following parameters:



I get the following error in both cases:

Fatal Error[Pe035]: #error directive: "A user must call touchgfx::startNewTransfer(); once transmitFrameBufferBlock() has succesfully sent a block." D:\cubemx\wind0\Src\TouchGFXHAL.cpp 40

Using these parameters:


I get this:


PS: I use IAR 8.30

PPS: I commented the following lines in the TouchGFXHAL.cpp and somehow SW was working but there was no picture in the board screen...

#error "A user must call touchgfx::startNewTransfer(); once transmitFrameBufferBlock() has succesfully sent a block."

#error "A user must implement C-methods isTransmittingData() and transmitFrameBufferBlock() used by the Partial Framebuffer Strategy."

If any other information is needed please let me know.




If you create your project from CubeMX without using the Application Templates available on TouchGFX Designer and you create your project by selecting IAR, it's normal that Run Target will not work because as you mentioned some files are missing. Those files are related to RTOS and CubeMX includes only the necessary OS files for the selected Toolchain. So if you want to Run Target, the toolchain in CubeMX should be STM32CubeIDE.

Normally if you choose the Application Template on TouchGFX Designer and you don't regenerate, then you can build your project with every Toolchain (IAR and Run Target work). However if you generate code from CubeMX, the unnecessary RTOS files will be deleted and you will only be able to build with the toolchain selected in CubeMX.
