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Touch GFX debug issue



I have integrated touch GFX with quad SPI, and images are stored in external flash, in debug mode the code is getting stuck inside the Hal Delay. What is the root cause for this, if I disable the external loader the Hal delay does not get stuck.



ST Employee

Hello @jijomathew ,


Have you bene able to fix your previous issue ?


Can you share the call stack like you did in your previous issue so we can all investigate where it is stuck exactly?

It does sound like an issue with the external loader exclusively, have you been able to make it work previously?



Gaetan Godart
Software engineer at ST (TouchGFX)
ST Employee

Hello @jijomathew ,


Great to hear!

Can you give us more information on the current issue so we can help you better?



Gaetan Godart
Software engineer at ST (TouchGFX)



I am using External loader to put Assets inside the external QSPI flash, once  I use Hal Delay inside  my code , in debug mode the code is stuck inside the Hal Delay. if I disable the Loader file in debug configuration the code is working fine. what will be the root cause and how I can trouble shoot




This is my debugger configuration for the Quad SPI external loader. Once I tick Initialize the Quad SPI, and if I debug the code, it gets stuck in HAL delay. is this a Debugger Configuration issue or a Loader file issue? Please help me to overcome this issue 

Hello @jijomathew ,


It is a bit hard for me to help you because I do not know why you get stuck in delay.
Can you please provide the call stack?

What do you call the "Loader file" ?

Does the issue happens only when debugging or also on target?



Gaetan Godart
Software engineer at ST (TouchGFX)