2020-03-09 3:38 AM
Hell Guys.....
I am working on STM32L4R9AI-EVAL board I have generated the project from Touchgfx Designer and it generating the STM32CUBEMX code also......if i open the designer and if i will burn on to the kit it is working fine....But once i will open STM32CUBEMX of the project and i will generate the code and again i will burn on to the kit this time i can able to download on to the board successfully but the dispaly seems to be off..I can't able to get anything...like previously...why?
Thank you
2020-03-09 3:54 AM
2020-03-10 1:53 AM
Is there any update....please try to fix my issue
Thank you...
2020-03-10 3:32 AM
Linker complains that it can't get closure due to missing/undefined symbols.
Will need to add source files, or libraries, containing missing functions for build to complete successfully.
2020-03-10 4:24 AM
But why it is not working........When i open STM32CUBEMX if i will generate code ...it is not working
2020-03-11 10:48 PM
Hello...I want to make the STM32L4R9AI-EVAL board work through STM32CUBEMX do you have any Example project?....if you have can you please share it to me.....I am trying to make it work but i have failed:|
Thank you
2020-03-11 11:30 PM
The undefined symbols are referred from bitmapdatabase.o, which is the object of bitmapdatabase.cpp. I don't think that's a Cube file. Maybe it's a Touchgfx Designer file? If so, you're posting to the STM32 MCUs topic and maybe not many developers there know about it. You can add topics using the little down-arrow in the top right corner of your post.
Google found https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeF4/blob/master/Projects/STM32469I_EVAL/Demonstrations/TouchGFX/Gui/generated/images/src/BitmapDatabase.cpp. Maybe something there will help?
2020-03-12 2:50 AM
But if am running through touchGfx Designer am not getting any errors....It is loading successfully but the display itself not switching on.....if i generate code through STM32CUBEMX...why?
2020-03-12 4:04 PM
What is the IDE? I always diff and fix the project files following a a Cube generate. Check for folders/files removed or excluded.
2020-03-15 11:53 PM
The IDE is MRK-IAR (keil)
As we are generating from cubemx it won't includes BSP files, so i have added BSP files also Still it is not working...If i use IAR am not getting any errors ,but again loading is done successfully,, But i can't sea anything on the screen the display itself swiched off...why?
Thank you.